Wednesday 17 August 2011

The effect of mental and physical practices.

Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps

The Effect of Mental and Physical Practice on

Muscle Electrical Activity in Force Production Task

1Ahdiyeh Yadolazadeh, 2Mehdi Namazizadeh, 3Seyed Mohammad Kazem Vaez Musavi,
4Bahareh Behaen and 5Pejman Beikzade
1Islamic Azad University, Research and Science Branch, Iran
2Islamic Azad university, Esfahan Branch, Iran
3Emom Hossin Universioty, Tehran, Iran
4MA, Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran
5MA, Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of mental and physical exercises on muscle electrical
activity in force production task. This research is fundamental in nature and in terms of methodology it is quasiexperimental.
For executing this research, different exercise methods (physical, "clear - vague" mental practice
and integrative) in 10 kg force values, at acquisition, retention and transfer stages, against a hand grip task,
were studied. Results showed that physical practice and clear mental practice, integrative practice at 10 kg force
significantly caused electromyography changes at acquisition stage. None of physical practice, clear mental
practice, vague mental practice and integrative practice groups caused significant changes in electromyography
at retention stage, at 4 kg and 8 kg forces. Thus, physical practice, clear mental practice and integrative practice
had significant effects on electromyography changes in transfer stage at 10 kg.
Key words: Mental Practice % Mental Imagery % Ability imagery % Psych Neuro Muscular % Electromyography

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